Thursday, October 8, 2009

Jim White - Wrong-Eyed Jesus! 1997

Jim White - Wrong-Eyed Jesus! 1997
MP3 @ 320 | 140 MB | Complete HR Covers included
Genre: Americana

A David Byrne discovery, White is a twisted soul, but magnificantly so. This is his debut, and what an album. You have to get this alone for the extraordinary tale told in the long booklet, an epic weird tale about....well you'll just have to read it....

I have included the complete scans in high res, as to appreciate this album, you need the tale as well.


Produced Paul Rabjohns
Fancy Arrangements Paul Rabjohns and Jim White
Artistic Coordination Sylvia Reed
Designed Helene Silverman/Hello Studio
Photography Steven White
Original Artwork Jason Holley
Project Coordination Kat Egan
Executive Producers David Byrne and Yale Evelev

Joe Henry and Victoria Williams appear courtesy of Mammoth Records, Inc.

1 Book of Angels 4:54

Jim White vocals, guitar, banjo
Bill Elm pedal steel guitar
David Pilch stand-up bass
Danny Frankel percussion

Mixed by John X at Westlake

2 Burn The River Dry 4:58

Jim White vocals, guitar
David Pilch stand-up bass

Mixed by Paul Rabjohns at Ringkeed Inc. Studio

3 Still Waters (6:36)

Jim White vocals, guitar
Joe Henry additional guitars
David Pilch electric bass
Danny Frankel percussion
Ralph Carney musical saw
Julia Albert vocals

Mixed by Paul Rabjohns at Ringkeed Inc. Studio

3 When Jesus Gets A Brand New Name 5:15

Jim White vocals, guitar, keyboards, percussion
Danny Frankel percussion, hollering
David Pilch stand-up bass, hollering
Ralph Carney clarinet, slide clarinet, trombone, sax, hollering
Back-up vocals Joe Henry, Stephen Cox, Pam Corkey, James Krieg

Mixed by John Paterno at Sunset Sound Factory

4 Sleepy-Town 5:39

Jim White vocals, back-up vocals, guitar
Bill Elm lead guitar
David Pilch stand-up bass
Danny Frankel percussion
Ralph Carney harmonica, musical saw
Back-up vocals Stephen Cox, Julia Albert, Pam Corkey, James Kreig

Mixed by Paul Rabjohns at Ringkeed Inc. Studio

5 A Perfect Day to Chase Tornadoes 6:05

Jim White vocals, lead guitars, guitars
Danny Frankel percussion
Paul Rabjohns percussion

Mixed by John Paterno at Sunset Sound Factory

6 Wordmule 4:23

Jim White vocals, slide guitar
Bill Elm lead guitar
Paul Rabjohns additional lead guitar
David Pilch stand-up bass
Danny Frankel drums and percussion

Mixed by John Paterno at Sunset Sound Factory

7 Stabbed In The Heart 4:24

Jim White vocals, lead guitar, guitar
Pam Corkey vocals
Bill Elm pedal steel guitar
David Pilch electric bass
Danny Frankel percussion
Back-up vocals Julia Albert and Stephen Cox

Mixed by John Paterno at Sunset Sound Factory


Jim White vocals, banjos, keyboard solos
Victoria Williams vocals
Paul Rabjohns keyboards

Mixed by Paul Rabjohns at Ringkeed Inc. Studio

9 Heaven of My Heart 4:34

Jim White vocals, guitar
David Pilch stand-up bass
Danny Frankel percussion
Eddie Baytos accordion

Mixed by Paul Rabjohns at Ringkeed Inc. Studio

10 The Road That Leads to Heaven 4:53)

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